Keith Wheeler-a Cross and a Heart

Keith Wheeler posted a joyous New Year message, but faced unexpected health challenges in January 2024. Diagnosed with severe heart blockages, he bravely confronted surgery with unwavering faith, surrounded by love and prayers. Just days after the procedure, Keith was already inspiring others with his recovery and gratitude for life’s blessings.

Happy New Year! Happy 2024!

We pray that your new year will be overflowing with the beauty and majesty of the glory of Jesus, and the nearness and intimacy of His presence!

God bless you!

Keith Wheeler, Facebook post January 2, 2024

But the rest of January didn’t quite turn out the way Keith and his fairytale princess wife Nicole planned. In some ways, it turned out much better.

I have been writing this blog for nine years and my favorite posts are the ones I wrote about Keith Wheeler, starting with this one.

Keith Wheeler- a cross and a collarbone

Keith walks around doing what he simply calls “serving God, loving people.” He started in Tulsa, Oklahoma on Good Friday 1985 and thought it was going to be a one-time event. But he felt God wanted him to continue carrying the cross around the surrounding towns, then the rest of Oklahoma, and on into surrounding states. And then he just kept walking- and carrying the cross.

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After he experienced a bout with COVID-19, I wrote another article based on an interview we did by phone. It’s hard to interview Keith because he doesn’t like talking about himself. His favorite subject is Jesus. What else would you expect from a man who has literally walked around the world carrying a 12-foot-long cross?

Keith Wheeler-a Cross and COVID

No, I wasn’t mad at God, I know that bad things happen to everyone. Jesus said that whoever wants to save their life should lose it, (Luke 9:24) so I know that either way I would be with Him. Jesus is my hope, my confidence, and peace, in all my life, including COVID.

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I finally met Keith in person when he spoke at a church near my home. I don’t know which I enjoyed most- shaking hands with him or touching the massive cross that has been all over the world blessing everyone who sees or touches it.

Keith Wheeler holding his cross with Dr. Aletha
photo by Raymond Oglesby

A Heart and a Hospital

So I was alarmed when my husband told me he saw a Facebook post saying Keith was in a hospital. I had to check it out myself and was even more concerned.

Keith’s symptoms suggested a heart problem; tests were being done to see if he needed surgery.

Here’s what he wrote on January 27 from his hospital room

Dear family and friends! Well… unfortunately, it seems like I’m not going to be able to go to Africa at this time. It looks like I’m going to need to go in for my 28,000 mile “radiator flush”!

For the past two weeks, I have been having some health challenges. I have written them off, or marked them up as wear and tear from the journey. I was sent to the emergency room two weeks ago while I was speaking in New York.

Things seemed like they were improving, but everything took a sharp turn for the worse a few nights ago. I’m in the heart hospital.

KW, Facebook January 27, 2024

And Keith was right. He isn’t going to Africa anytime soon. Again, here’s the story in Keith’s words.

Unfortunately, we didn’t get the news we had hoped for. They performed a heart cath on me and found 100% blockage in my “widowmaker” and 80% in another. They weren’t able to put in a stent. So, I have to have open heart surgery (double bypass) this week….

KW, Facebook, January 30, 2024

If you think Keith was feeling sorry for himself, or was mad at God, or thought God was mad at him-well, you don’t know Keith.

I’ve always felt that perspective is such a gift! It seems to always put everything into perspective! Truly, things can always be better… But they can always be so much worse!

In the big picture, I’m doing great! I’m so much healthier than many other people in our world! I’m probably much healthier than most of the other people in this hospital! I’m probably much healthier than many people on my floor here in the hospital!

Also, I have my fairytale princess by my side … so, so many people have no one, and are so very lonely!

And most of all, I have Jesus! I have hope! I have peace! I have joy! He is loving. He is good. He is kind. And, He is with me always! My days, my breaths, my heartbeats are in His hands! My life is in His hands! He’s so very worthy!

KW, Facebook, January 30, 2024

A New Cross and Total Peace

Keith and Nicole, his fairy tale princess

As Keith was waiting to go into surgery, he wrote these words

I’m at total peace! If I close my eyes today and open them and see Jesus, I win! If I close my eyes today and open them and see my fairytale princess, I win! It’s a win-win!

My prayer is that when they open me up, they will either wonder why they had to operate because I’m totally healed, or when they open my heart that they will see Jesus smiling back at them!🕊❤️‍🔥‼️

KW, Facebook February 1, 2024

New Heart Day

The next day, we were relieved to read an update, this time from Nicole, his fairy tale princess wife (that’s what he calls her.)

My Prince is recovering and he just took his very first lap around the unit. (Many more laps to come). 😀

He’s sitting up, greeting everyone that comes into the room with a smile, and telling them about Jesus. Thank you so much for walking with us on this journey!! So appreciate your outpouring of love and prayers.


Nicole, Facebook February 2, 2024
Keith walking in the hospital hall with a tiny cross someone gave him.

Keith’s “new” Heart

About a week later Keith left the hospital, returning home where he and Nicole took a walk in their neighborhood. Back to posting online himself, Keith revealed that before his surgery, he had “flatlined” and had to be resuscitated, and promised to write more about his journey later.

I’ll write more on the journey in the days to come. Today, I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart! With God’s help, I’m home and doing well.

Keith Wheeler

Keith Wheeler-Facebook

Please visit Keith’s Facebook page where you can see more photos and read more about his heart surgery adventure.

A few days before his heart surgery, Keith shared this scripture on Facebook.

”Keep and guard your heart with all vigilance and above all that you guard, for out of it flow the springs of life.“

Proverbs‬ ‭4‬:‭23‬ ‭AMPC

You can also find Keith at

Keith Wheeler Ministries

sharing the HEART of faith, hope, and love

Thanks for joining me to meet Keith Wheeler. I shared another post about Keith, with info culled from his website, social media, and videos. Keith has encountered many situations involving conflict, and one that happened surprisingly right here in Tulsa Oklahoma.

Keith Wheeler-Peacemaker Through Conflict

Keith Wheeler embarked on a remarkable journey, walking over 26,000 miles and visiting more than 200 countries, carrying a 90-pound cross to share God’s love. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic and social unrest, he adapted, spreading hope through social media and in his community. Keith’s thought-provoking reflections and unwavering faith offer a unique perspective on current events.

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Learn about heart bypass surgery

I’d love to have you join me for my next post where I share more information and inspiration to help you turn health challenges into health opportunities.

Add your name to the subscribe box and I’ll send you an email when I publish a new post. Click the link in the email to go straight to the post. You won’t get anything else. You can easily unsubscribe anytime but I hope you won’t.

Dr. Aletha

a man holding a large cross
photo by Raymond Oglesby

February -fun, feelings, fasting, and freedom

February is an eventful month. It’s the shortest month of the year, but in 2024, a leap year, it gains an extra day on February 29. The month features Groundhog Day, Valentine’s Day, Ash Wednesday, and President’s Day, honoring George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, symbolizing freedom for the nation.

February is an interesting month. It’s the shortest month of the year, although in 2024 is a day longer, due to it being a leap year, creating February 29.

A leap year is a calendar year that contains an additional day compared to a common year. The 366th day is added to keep the calendar year synchronized with the astronomical year or seasonal year. 


Fun-Groundhog Day, February 2

The month starts with a FUN holiday known as Groundhog Day. You may be more familiar with the movie of the same name, which was also funny with a reflective message.

Groundhog Day is a 1993 American fantasy comedy film directed by Harold Ramis and written by Ramis and Danny Rubin. Teamed with a relentlessly cheerful producer (Andie MacDowell) and a smart-aleck cameraman (Chris Elliott), TV weatherman Phil Connors (Bill Murray) is sent to Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, to cover the annual Groundhog Day festivities. It stars Bill Murray as Phil Connors, a TV weatherman who, during an assignment covering the annual Groundhog Day event, is caught in a time loop, repeatedly reliving the same day.” (Amazon affiliate link and quote)

I can understand how that feels after my husband was in a hospital for 10 days earlier this year. I felt like I was living the same day over and over. Even after he came home, during his continued convalescence, our days tended to feel the same until he regained his strength and stamina.

Anyway, if you’ve never seen the movie I recommend it for a good laugh as well as for the message. Andie MacDowell and Bill Murray are at their finest in these roles.

The first official Groundhog Day celebration took place on February 2, 1887, in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. The annual ritual has roots in pre-Christian traditions and was brought to the U.S. by German immigrants.

The real Groundhog Day is supposed to predict whether or not we will have an early spring. You can learn about it at this link.

tree with red leaves shaped like a heart
William Shakespeare, English playwright,, poet, and actor

graphic from, stock photo site, affiliate link

Feelings-Valentine’s Day, February 14

When I say Valentine’s Day what comes to your mind? Love, hearts, cards, candy, jewelry, and romantic dinners? But probably not seizures.

Saint Valentine-patron of lovers and epilepsy.

St. Valentine of Terni, a third-century Roman saint, was known for healing the sick. Valentine had been imprisoned for secretly marrying couples despite the edict of Roman Emperor Claudius II which forbade Roman soldiers to marry, for possibly diminishing their efficiency on the battlefield. As the legend goes, he restored the sight of Julia the daughter of Asterius his jailer.

People believed epilepsy (a brain disorder causing seizures) was caused by a supernatural event such as a curse or possession by an evil spirit. Since there was no cure for epilepsy healing was only possible by divine intervention and saints were called upon to intercede for these patients. 

very few people know he , Saint Valentine, also was helpful and beneficent to people with epilepsy in ancient times.

Saint Valentine: Patron of lovers and epilepsy

February 14 is also National Donor Day. Registering as an organ donor means you may save someone’s life-or someone may save your life.

February 14 is National Donor Day. Registering as an organ donor means you may save someone’s life-or someone may save your life.

Fasting-Ash Wednesday, February 14

In 2024, Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent, is also on February 14.

Lent, in the Christian church, is a period of preparation for Easter, which will be on March 31, 2024.

During Ash Wednesday mass or services, a minister distributes ashes by lightly rubbing the shape of a cross with ashes onto the foreheads of worshipers. The tradition of tracing a cross on the forehead is meant to identify the faithful with Jesus Christ.

Follow this blog for posts about fasting for Lent.

photos by Dr. Aletha and Raymond Oglesby

Freedom-President’s Day, February 19

On the third Monday in February, we honor our first President, George Washington, whose birthday is February 22. We also traditionally honor President Abraham Lincoln, whose birthday is February 12.

“Contrary to popular belief, neither Congress nor the President has ever stipulated that the name of the holiday observed as Washington’s Birthday be changed to ‘President’s Day.’”
Two United States presidents are honored in February, their birth month.

With the signing of the Declaration of Independence by the Continental Congress, George Washington helped the American colonies gain FREEDOM from rule by an English king in 1776 as General of the Continental Army during the American War of Independence, and then as the republic’s first President.

As President, Abraham Lincoln extended FREEDOM to enslaved persons in the Confederate states when he issued the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863, and led the fight to “preserve the Union” as commander-in-chief of the Union military during the Civil War.

exploring the HEART of health

I’d love to have you join me for my next post where I share more information and inspiration to help you turn health challenges into health opportunities.

Add your name to the subscribe box and I’ll send you an email when I publish a new post. Click the link in the email to go straight to the post. You won’t get anything else. You can easily unsubscribe anytime but I hope you won’t.

Dr. Aletha

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